Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 4: Split-System Training (part 2)


  • Warm up for 5- 10 minutes using a treadmill, stationary bike or some other cardio apparatus like an elliptical machine
  • Perform three sets of each exercise in conventional straight set fashion
  • Each set contains 12 reps. The weight you select should cause you to fail on the 12th
  • Rest one minute between sets and exercises
  • On the first exercise for each new body part (e.g., chest/biceps or back), start with a warm up set using a very light weight. These do not count towards your three working sets
  • After each workout, do 15 mins of cardio at 60% of your MHR (for me that is at 60% of 220-26 = 116)


Exercises: Tuesday and Friday – Lower Body


  • Barbell Squat
  • Leg Extension
    • Set the back pad so your back lies flat against it when your knees are aligned with the machine's axis and the edge of the seat tucks snugly behind your knees
    • Sit down and place your feet under the ankle pad so that it rests where your shins meet your ankles. Grab the side handles. This is your start position
    • Keep your torso erect and your back against the pad as you extend your legs up toward you, exhaling as you go. Don't thrust so hard that you lose control – slower is better than faster- and don't lock out knees at the top
    • In a controlled manner, let the ankle pads back down to the start position, inhaling as you go
    • Don't let the plates rest on the stack at the bottom. The transition back up should be almost instantaneous


  • Seated or lying leg curl
  • Romanian deadlift
    • Remove a weighted barbell from a squat rack or bench and stand holding it overhand at arms' length, hands and feet shoulder-width apart
    • Bend your knees slightly
    • Keeping your back flat (no rounding) and your gaze fixed forward, bend at the waist and drop your butt back to lower the bar in a slow and deliberate movement until your torso is about parallel with the floor
    • Push through your heels to return to the start position. Don't lock out your back at the top
    • Inhale as you descent and exhale as you come back up


  • Seated calf raise
    • Sit on the machine and adjust the thigh pad so that it snugly fits on your lower thighs, just above the knees
    • Place your feet 12 inches apart and rest in the balls, not on the heels. Lift handle to release weight. This is the start position
    • Deliberately and under control, lower your heels, which are free-floating, until your calves are fully stretched. Inhale on the descent
    • Push up on the balls of your foot to a fully extended position. Don't bounce; let your calves do the work. Exhale on the ascent and you're good to go
  • Standing calf raise
    • Stand in or on the machine so that the pads rest atop your shoulders, with your feet shoulder-width apart, and the balls of your feet balanced on the edge of the footrests
    • Stand up straight and release the releases. This is the start position
    • Deliberately and under control, lower your heels, which are free-floating, until your calves are fully stretched. Inhale on the descent
    • Push up on the balls of your foot to a fully extended position. Don't bounce; let your calves do the work. Exhale on the ascent


  • Crunch
  • Reverse Crunch
    • Lie flat on a bench or the floor and raise your thighs till they point straight up while keeping your shins horizontal, so your knees are bent 90 degrees. This is the start position
    • Simultaneously draw in your abs so as you roll your pelvis toward your torso, stopping only after yourhips leave the floor and your knees come over your chest. Exhale during the roll
    • Return to the starting position , inhaling


  1. I really don't understand this Split System thing in airconditioning, would some don't mind explaining it here?

  2. Wow!!! Honestly speaking you are really a great writer. What I required I got it. Thank you so much.
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