Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bronze Body: Week 1 Diaries

So here I was at the gym after a good one and a half months thinking tonight was the time I was gonna start my good old routine and get something done! But NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was wrong on so many counts. Well for starters having slept at 4am on a working day didn't really help! But it was a disaster. I was lacking energy, got hopelessly tired and felt completely out of place. What the hell man!!!

Another big mistake was to wear Nike Dry Fit workout shirt. Man o Man!!!!! I could not believe how FAT I looked! But all this provided me good inspiration for the battle that was to come ahead starting next week. I have another 2 workout days to get back into some sort of rhythm and damn it, I am going to make the most of it.


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