Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bronze Body: Week 1

So today I spent some time going through the book. The book goes in great detail as to how you should make all preparations before you actually start working out. This includes throwing away unhealthy food in your fridge, re-stocking it with healthy alternatives. The book also tells you about different kinds of exercises and how they help you, namely resistance training and cardio-vascular. Basically the Platinum workout is a combination of resistance (strength) training and cardio. The exercises are planned such that you go through them with only a small break (30-45 sec) between exercises.

The book specifically has you get used to eating 6 times a day (basically splitting your 1800-2000 cal/day) into 6 equal portions. This helps you in a way that your body's metabolism constantly keeps working. So instead of having a extremely heavy meal in one go, you can have 2 or maybe 3 meals of smaller portions such that you are hungry. The key to this as mentioned in the book is to have portion control. You should only have so much food that you are almost full. Note the word "almost". The reason for this is to let your body have some space to burn the calories that you have just ingested.

The book also tells you to have atleast 8 glasses of water everyday. I guess the approx size of these would be 8-10 oz. totaling to around 80-100 oz. of water every day. This helps you wash away your toxins and excess proteins that the body may not need. Another important thing mentioned in this first phase is that the diet is going to be protein heavy. This is because, proteins help body build muscle and "muscle burns calories faster".

Now the book asks you to specifically lay off any workouts for the first week so as to let your body get habituated to the things mentioned above (6 meals, 8 glasses of water, healthy portion sizes and eating veggies and fruits of different colors). I am however going to workout for 3 days this week as I haven't worked out in almost a month and it would be good to jump-start my metabolism. Once I am back in the workout routine, I am planning to follow the routine to the T.

Later this week I shall post what kind of exercises are planned for the first couple of weeks and touch up on some nutritional aspects.



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